One of the questions asked most often is, “How much time should I schedule”? We appreciate the diligence manifested by Certified Mandt Instructors in their attempts to ensure appropriate time frames are adhered to. We recognize this is often a struggle due to competing tasks and scarce resources.

The instructor should first determine (with their administration) which chapters will be taught. The recommended instruction time is indicated at the beginning of each chapter in the instructor’s manual. While we have provided recommended instruction time, the instructor should use as much time as necessary on each chapter for the student to satisfy the requirements for certification, including the learning objectives. The amount of time needed will depend on the number of chapters to be covered, size of the class and the type of training received previously. (Generally it takes longer to unlearn a technique and learn a new one than to simply learn a technique for the first time).

The instructor should add the recommended instruction time for each of the chapters to be taught and build in time for breaks and testing. This will provide an approximate amount of time to cover all the chapters. Keep in mind that the optional conceptual chapters can be taught at times after the students have been certified in chapters 1-3. Keep in mind that students must be certified in Chapter 7 (Medical Risks of Restraint) before Chapter 10 (Restraint). While there is a need for flexibility given the smaller class sizes or levels of skill, attempting to cut training time by 50% or more may jeopardize health and safety and could lead to increased liability for the organization.

When the class consists of students who are all recertifying, there are additional variables that will factor into the time estimate. If students have been certified and demonstrating their practice of the material, they may be able to come to class prepared to take the written test. (This is even more likely to be the case when staff routinely process incidents reflecting back to what was taught in The Mandt System). This practice will routinely reinforce the concepts to the students. If students complete the tests successfully rather than simply releasing the students, time can be used for role plays and to talk about specific situations, issues or individuals that they are struggling with, making the class more meaningful and practical to students.

The Mandt System, Inc. developed an optional on-line recertification system for students. When a student has been certified and re-recertified one time in person, they will be eligible to complete the relational and conceptual chapters (1-7) using the on-line system. The technical chapters will still require the in-person method. It is advisable that a policy be developed to determine who is eligible for the online testing, focusing not only on the number of times the individual has participated in a face to face event, but also whether or not the student demonstrates in their daily activities practice of the information taught.

Adhering to the standards will not only support the staff, it will also provide more legal safety for the certifying instructor. While the focus of The Mandt System is not on time but competence, the testing documentation plays a critical role. The written test is a legal document which demonstrates what the student knew at the time the person was certified in the class.

Ultimately the benchmark that the Instructor can use is whether or not the instructor would feel comfortable stating in a court of law that the student knew the information necessary to pass the written and physical tests for which they were certified.

Aaryce Hayes – Senior Vice President of Operations